Best Buddies?
I know I know - I posted these two yesterday, but here they are again - hanging out together..what's with that?
Once again there was an amazing amount of bird activity at the feeders..fascinating to watch the dynamics of grosbeaks, orioles, blue jays and woodpeckers trying to get along in order to share the same feeders...There was much taking of turns! You go first..No? Ok then, I will! Of course there was also some pushing and shoving by the less socially adept ones...the most frequent offenders being the jays...
And then there were the tree swallows down by the pond..staking claim to the nesting box..apparently after having ousted the blue birds from it..darting everywhere, swooping out over the water like fighter jets, dive bombing just barely touching the surface...and then soaring upwards again...and at the same time taking breaks to indulge in some rather amorous activities!
So again my day had a bird focus..... which was a nice distraction from my other focus - a scheduled phone consultation with my surgeon which took more time and effort than I had anticipated. Cell phones are great until there is trouble getting a strong enough signal! The news was as I had expected, but still not welcome..Surgery yes, but I am assured that all will be well; no date yet, but with travel season coming, all plans are on hold ...drat.
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