For Get Me Not...Flora

For Get Me Nots are tiny plants, and the flowers are teeny. Perfect for Tiny Tuesday. (Many thanks to H0tamer for hosting Tiny Tuesdays this month!) I never planted the Forget Me Nots, but I have many of them spreading in my garden; it seems like anything that comes to my garden stays and spreads.

It was a lovely day; I got up early to take Ron to the airport, but my hubby decided he wanted to take him. I stayed up, and I had an enjoyable morning reading, journaling, and being creative; I haven't taken the time to do anything like this in a long time. Ellie and her family are still in Pasadena; Ellie has been having a wonderful time at Disneyland and all things Disney. It was nice having the freedom without Ellie here this week, but I will be ready for her to come back on Sunday. I hope the remodeling project is just about done by then, but that might be wishful thinking. 

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