She’s Gone.

Hi Everyone,

Well, my daughter moved into her new home today… thus giving me my life back somewhat and allowing me to continue with the reengaging with the world project that I started towards the end of last year.

It is quite a relief she now has a permanent home of her own and hopefully she will thrive there, fingers crossed. I have never been a helicopter parent so will sort of disappear somewhat to allow her to build her new life, she knows that I am about should she need me.

Good news is that I renewed my blip membership so will try and post a few photos but still as an occasional blipper rather than a multivitamin one (one a day)…

I also have setup a second YouTube channel but am following a very different approach on this one. It is early days but now I have more free time I will try and progress it a little further.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy… more sometime.


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