Following On
Got up approximately two hours earlier than normal.
Out to do the quick ten minute dash, not half as pleasant as yesterday as there was a cold wind and it was very damp.
Few jobs done around the house including Wordle and catching up on blip.
Usually do those around midnight.
Got to Yeadon Tarn before 9am and did a lap (usually three) then did a small supermarket shop, somehow bought another Acer at Aldi because they were such good value.
Home now and the shopping is put away and it’s only 10.30!
I am definitely NOT a morning person.
Hard to believe l got up at 5.45am every morning l was a teacher ( had usually been awake since 4am).
Took my blip at the tarn, have got very lazy in not taking my camera out and just using my phone.
Not much to do ( too cold and wet in the garden) until l take Kitty into Leeds this afternoon, then FaceTime with Tim this evening to make arrangements for the weekend as they have invited me over for a few days.
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