The Colours Are Accurate

That is the way I see them, and this photo was taken at 8:00 a.m. Fresh green leaves and a very bright low sun combine to give this "technicolour" effect. The wind was still quite strong as can be seen.

I am feeling much better today, than yesterday. Today is a day for catching up. I am still awaiting my second booster and have been busy cancelling speaking engagements over the next month or two.

I had even received enquiries wondering if I would be interested in judging photography  club competitions in Edinburgh! It was not through Blipfoto.

I am not a great club person, especially, photography clubs. The results and judge remarks have almost led to verbal blows on several occasions.

 I will say no more.

I enjoy the social interaction of Blipfoto. Being Kind to each other leads to a much more pleasant atmosphere.

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