Golden palace

Another frantically busy day catching up after this weeks shenanigans, i had to make sure I saw everyone I needed to before flying home. All this meant I left work later than I wanted to and then it was a mad rush to the airport. I needn't have worried the plane was delayed by two hours do to high winds at Heathrow.

I don't mind flying but for some reason the getting to the airport is the most stressful thing in the world for me, I really have no clue why I have to get there stupidly early, to the annoyance of anyone that travels with me. Once I'm there I'm fine, which is why it surprised my driver when I said I needed to call into the palace on the way to the airport. I use the same guy usually from the Budapest office, he understands I need to get there early, so he makes sure i do and gets a big tip As a reward.
We drove to the palace at break neck speed, I'd had this shot in my head for a while and today we had great light. I set up the camera he asked some tourists to move and I got this shot, I was thinking of another when the driver, Zsolt said, "oh bloody bugger ninch time". By the look in his eye I knew it was time to leave, he earned his tip getting me to the airport today :-)

Hard to believe the weather in Heathrow, its been 22 and glorious sunshine today in Budapest.

My apologies if I've missed comments on your blips this week, I've been really busy and struggling to find the time. I promise that tomorrow I'll put this right :-)

Many thanks for all your wonderful comments, hearts and stars on yesterday's blip of the bridge, it is really appreciated, you say some wonderful things

I'm sat on the plane flying over Germany as I type this, hopefully when I land it'll upload from my iPad via 3G, we'll see :-)

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