The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

How Can I Help You Caller?

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,

I would happily get rid of the landline in our house. The only calls we ever receive are from:

1. Parents
2. Cold/nuisance/fraud calls

But my main reason is the nuisance calls. Not for the reasons you might think but because THE PRINCE LOVES ENGAGING. He views it as some sort of weird sport.

I have had to listen to many a conversation with him politely thanking the caller for alerting him to the “serious virus on the computer”*, making them talk through the issue AT LENGTH before explaining that “No”, he won’t be sharing his credit card details followed by an optional “now may I have your details so I can pass them to the police?” He loves a ‘Gotcha’ moment. Extra amusement if it all ends with a “F**k you” from the caller before they hang up!


*or there has been a suspicious payment on our Amazon account/the bank asking us to call another number/some warranty is about to expire.

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