red squirrel tales

By mmac


"This is a picture of 3 fruit bats flying over the Congo basin, following the river to Lake Victoria. The other bats are behind and you can't see them."
So says the Artist. Wonderful 7 year old god-son Mattie. The same Mattie who made my day on Monday by amazingly sponsoring me 2 pounds and 6 pence for my Etape Caledonia challenge. My hero. His hard earned and saved centimes converted to pounds and given away in support.

Back on the bike today, very shaky and a bit sore and achy but with 81 miles to do in 3weeks I have no time to waste really.
Though being the flexible athlete I am I amended my training plan so that more wine and chocolate in a hot bath were incorporated to ease the pain tonight. I'm not sure this is the training regime Sir Chris Hoy employed, but maybe he should enjoy a bit of this approach now in his retiral.
Tonights work training was on Health, Fitness and Learning Disability. Twas great fun, but all the talk of how great exercise makes you feel was falling on my deaf ears tonight as I aerobicised through the pain.

Still fed up with council, today in particular about the planning eejits trying to stop the house concerts.
Let creativity thrive.
Stop regulating and suffocating and strangling it to make money.
Let the fruit bats fly, there are plenty more who you can't see who will be following on behind inspired by the ones leading the way. Just have to let them fly.
Ok I'm losing it........

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