
Hanesion ~ Histories

“Black and white are the colours of photography. To me they symbolise the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is forever subjected.”
—Robert Frank

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Es i i'r dre i gwrdd â fy mrawd heddiw. Aethon ni i 'Wagamama' i gael cinio. Mae ein hanesion wedi cymryd gwahanol lwybrau dros y blynyddoedd ond rydyn ni'n nes y dyddiau hyn.

Roeddwn i wedi ffeindio hen ddarn o grefftwaith ymhlith fy mhethau - roedd  yn gerfiad roedd fy mrawd wedi ei wneud yn yr ysgol. Roedd yn falch o'i gael yn ôl ar ôl yr holl flynyddoedd hyn.

Roedd bob amser yn well na mi mewn crefftwaith a chynhyrchodd lawer o bethau diddorol. Mae'n dal yn ddiddordeb mewn celf a chrefft ac rydw i'n gobeithio y bydd e'n cael cyfle i wneud mwy.

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I went to town to meet my brother today. We went to 'Wagamama' for lunch. Our histories have taken different paths over the years but we're closer nowadays.

I had found an old piece of craftsmanship amongst my things - it was a carving my brother had made at school. He was glad to have him back after all these years.

He was always better than me in craftsmanship and produced many interesting things. He is still interested in arts and crafts and I hope he has the opportunity to do more.

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