Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

T-Wood and Caerketton Craigs

A quite mild day for the Sunday morning bike ride. A ride consisting of side winds until I got to Romannobridge. At that point there is very much a headwind, funnelled down the valley. At least the sun is out. Once on to the A72, back to the side winds again. The good thing is that once on the Meldons road, the wind is a tail wind up and over the hill down to Eddleston, then along the A703 to the Falla Toll Road. Back to the side winds from there, along to Gladhouse Reservoir and over Mount Lothian. A nice fast descent in to Auchendinny, is followed by the climb up The Brae, a challenge with tired legs. then its home via the Seafield Moor Road to Hillend. Here it was surprising the A702 was very quiet, no queues of cars, straight out and a fast last 2km home.

The ride can be seen at Relive here.

Realised it has been 3 weeks since the last Sunday walk up to Swanston. The trees in the T-Wood have really come in to leaf. It was a shame about the big black cloud that followed us on the walk. The sunshine on the photo was the last we saw until we got home, and the cloud melted away. A lovely afternoon walk though. There very few walkers out and about, it was nice to have a bit more space than usual.

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