
By sbreingan


Caught up on Dr Who from last weekend. There was a big Ice Warrior guy. Not the best one ever but hey.

I grew up on the Who. The new series incarnation is really better than it ought to be but never quite as good as you hope it will be. It's like there is a *really, really* good show in there somewhere, but what comes out it just decent. If they only made 3 episodes a year like Sherlock maybe it would be exceptional.

Looking at some of the clips of the original Dr Who's on YouTube I realise how much I view it through rose-tinted glasses. If your tried to you show it now it would get laughed off. The pacing is crazy. I still have a nostalgic fondness for it though.

But man this clip of a guy getting eaten by a plastic chair is burned into my memory banks. TERRIFYING. The music still gives me shivers.

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