Duck off....
Yesterday, an elderly lady got VERY angry with me because I couldn't tell her what sort of blades her husband's razor needed. (Said razor was at home with the husband and she didn't know what make it was, but that was apparently irrelevant.)
'Are you, or are you not' she demanded 'trained?'
'I don't think there was a razor blade module on the course' I said, trying to lighten the mood.
'Well you sell blades, therefore you should know about them. You're inept!' She hesitated for a moment, and I thought perhaps she was going to apologise. Until she added 'And.....incompetent!' She stomped off, banging her brolly on the floor, and I wished her a wonderful weekend. She turned round, and for a moment I thought I was going to get the brolly round my ears.
'Incompetent,' she hissed 'inept, and sarcastic!
I was actually quite impressed. She'd only spoken to me for a couple of minutes but managed to sum me up pretty accurately. If she hadnt been so furious, I might have asked her to read my tea leaves!
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