My Restless Lens

By terri365

13 May 2022 - Calming Clematis

I needed something to calm my irritation!

Yesterday I sent a client a "gentle" reminder about an outstanding invoice.  Just before lunch today I received an email from her asking me to wait until we "collaborate" with the engineer next week.  I am angry to say the least.  It's not a huge invoice but that's not the point:

1 - She agreed to my T&Cs
2 - I asked her 2 weeks ago if she was ready to go ahead with the Building Warrant application.
3 - When she asked me to add notes to my drawings, I tolder these were not the Building Warrant drawings and I was waiting on her to confirm she wanted me to go ahead.#
4 - She confirmed to go ahead with them.
5 - I am a small business - I need cash flow!

She has also sought advice from several other people, despite what I have told her and got various responses - I felt like asking why she bothered employing me if she wasn't going to take my advice?  

A carefully worded email this afternoon which is going to take up some time while I think about it.  Maybe a call to my professional body...

Rant over!  Maybe finish up early today - she's spoiled my Friday!  However, yesterdays potential client came back to me this morning as she has found another plot!

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