Uncut & Unabashed

By colormesanguine

Missing Mommy

Melanie and mama have only been gone for a day and already the dogs are going crazy. They miss their mommy so it's understandable that they've been clinging on to me all day.

Today was a very odd day. It started off normal if not for the fact I was home alone for the first time in a long time. I didn't think I would actually feel lonely but I really did. In any case I tried my hand at making almond milk. And what a mistake that was.

I haven't been sure if I'm allergic to almonds or not because when when I eat an almond my mouth gets itchy, but when I drink almond milk from the store (by the same brand, Blue Diamond) nothing happens. So I decided to see if making almond milk myself from scratch would have any affect on me. And it definitely did. I may have over exaggerated a bit but my throat being scratchy made my anxiety shoot up and brain being to panic and think I was having an anaphylactic reaction. If you guys don't know this about me, I'm a bit of a hypochondriac. If I had stayed calm and taken Claritin or something I probably would have been fine. But nope, that's not me. I took 3 Benadryl and most definitely thought I was going to die. Thankfully my dad was home and although his efforts to calm me down didn't help, his presence alone (meaning I wasn't alone anymore) was soothing enough. I called out of work (my boss told me to go to the hospital. She doesn't know my hypochondriac tendencies or she would have said "Alyson shut up and come to work) and then knocked out for 5 hours.

I work up fine, if a little groggy and weak. But fine enough. Sadly I am now scared terrified of almonds. You win some, you lose some.

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