I Heart My Headphones In The Rushing Hour

Recently as my commuter trains have got busier and busier (they now seem to be at pre pandemic levels of overcrowding, especially on Tuesdays through to Thursdays) being able to zone out my claustrophobia listening to a podcast with my old school headphones ( no wireless Bluetooth ones for me!) has been my saviour. I've particularly enjoyed  the Evil Genius ones with the brilliantly witty Russell Kane and his selection of guests. The one on Richard Nixon (was he evil or a genius) was so wonderfully done that I would recommend it to anyone.
Anyhow, today on my train up to London I decided to go to the loo before it got to Victoria. I popped off the headphones but managed to get the long lead wrapped round my foot as I did so. I very nearly went arse over tit but managed to throw the jack lead back towards my seat. Unknown to me the lead got very tightly wedged between the arm rest and the seat cover so when I returned and tried to retrieve the lead by pulling quite hard the bloody end snapped off and I was left with just a few bare wires!
So for today's image I thought I'd take a last photo of my faithful companions of the last few weeks before they get disposed of. I'm just going to have to get with the programme and invest in some new smart ones.
The cherry on the cake was that the train was fourteen minutes late getting in, which was one minute short of being able to claim for a delay repay. It wasn't funny at the time but I did laugh about it later. I'm so glad it's Friday evening and the stress and anxiety have melted away. Can't wait to enjoy the weekend.

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