Friday the 13th

Ya just gotta laugh! The Day started good! I got a painting packed up to mail to a charity auction. The people who help me in the house a couple times a month were here cleaning. I feel better, in a good mood. Then I started down the stairs. Luckily I was holding the rail bc my right knee just buckled. No pain. No warning. It just suddenly didn’t hold me up! I went down on my right shin and hit the edge of the step hard. My right arm held me to the railing but it’s significantly bruised ( the arm , not the rail :—) Right lower leg badly bruised. So grateful I didn’t tumble! I got up and went about my business. Later I went upstairs to paint and all of a sudden, the craft table collapsed without warning spilling water, ink, alcohol ( the rubbing kind :—), pencils, pens, etc everywhere. All I could do was stand there and laugh. By the time I got that all cleaned up, my leg was singing a mournful tune so I’m on the couch with ice on my leg and a hairless dog by my side. I’m still laughing. So Friday the 13th, TAKE THAT!! :—))
Be blessed!

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