Ice cream

No. 2 hit a Parkrun milestone today. I haven't done one since February and haven't done this particular course since 2020 but it wasn't as bad as I remembered and there was ice cream for breakfast at the café afterwards. I had coffee, they had ice cream.

After that Himself cut the grass so I can take the clippings to the allotment tomorrow to mulch the potatoes and broad beans while pulled up bluebells and relocated some plants. I managed 11,000 steps after getting back from the park, 22,000 in total today. That feels like enough so I'm now sitting with a G&T waiting for them to finish watching the football before the first BBQ of the year. It's all happening today.

I've got a riding lesson with a different instructor first thing tomorrow which should be fun. I've had them with him before, I like him.

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