
Today I had my first full day of looking after Leo and it went really well!! Fleur dropped him off after we took the kids to school and then she went to work. The plan was that I would look after Leo until about 4 when she finished work and Fleur's husband, Craig, would pick Spence up from school and take him to soccer practice so that Leo and Joti didn't have to go.

We had a great day with the favourite things being playing in the water table, on the trampoline and reading books! We also went to the park in the morning and then for a walk to the supermarket. Both kids fell asleep in the pram on the way to the supermarket which was great and didn't wake up until we got back!

Fleur didn't end up getting back until about 5.15 because her last patient went for ages but Leo did so well! He didn't whinge once and was happy all day! Craig dropped the older boys off at about the same time which worked well!

I got my 'real' camera out today and took some photos of Leo on the trampoline. Some of them came out really well!! This was my favourite!

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