On Track

The plan for today was to start with a bit more gardening in the morning. 

After breakfast I checked the weather forecast. Fine. Then I looked outside for verification. Fine. Then I went and put my gardening clothes on. By the time I had reached the back door, it had started raining. 

I dug deep into my dwindling reserves of positive energy (pandemic fatigue still applies), put on a rain jacket, and started work anyway. Fortune rewarded the brave, and the rain only lasted 5 minutes. 

Another corner of the garden now looks good... but it is a corner I see all the time, so it encourages me if it looks good. My resident robin kept me company and guzzled the various insects and grubs I unearthed. 


After lunch I walked into the town centre to the library and to "buy" a book. I have met my exercise target for the day. I did not really buy the book - Junior gave me a book token for Christmas and I thought I should use it before Fathers' Day comes around.

I got my Blip at the Town Square where I stopped to sit down for a few minutes.  

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