A favourite bird

It rained overnight but was clear this morning, so I persuaded JJ to go up to the practice ground, which meant I could walk on my own.

I was on my way across the bottom of the wheat field when I met up with one of the locals, so that was fifteen minutes of nattering,  Up to the ridge where four paths meet and there were a couple of dog walkers.  One was a woman with an out of control springer spaniel, which was crashing through the wheat field, and who I’d seen doing the same thing about three weeks ago.  I asked her to call her dog as it was damaging the crops and disturbing the nesting birds, and said that the farmer would be within his rights to shoot it.  She used a whistle but the dog took no notice, so I stood and watched until she managed to get it back and put on a lead.  I wasn’t rude, but hope she got the message.

I frightened a couple of partridges as I headed down to the river (they made me jump too).  Quite a few yellowhammers and skylarks about, but still no swallows etc.,  which is sad.  Reed buntings were singing by the river, plus another couple of bird songs I didn’t recognise.

This afternoon we’ve been to a restaurant with our son and his partner, celebrating his birthday.  The meal was excellent.

We don’t get starlings in the garden but they are nearly always on the back playing field.  At the moment they are rather preoccupied with feeding youngsters, so it was reasonably easy to get a picture.

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