
By stellarossa

Curd pancakes

I’m having problems with some uploads so may have to fill in the gaps later. Today we got the morning off. At 3am the siren jerked me out of a deep sleep, I grabbed my glasses and phone, pulled on some clothes and headed to the shelter with my grab bag, There I discovered that somehow I had snapped my glasses frame at the bridge. What a pain, we left the shelter after an hour with no apparent shells in our area, it took a while to get back to sleep and the next thing I know is another siren waking me up… back to the shelter.

Later I went off to find an opticians which was closed and planned to go down to the tourist area, the statue of Catherine the Great, Potemkin Steps etc but that was all closed off surrounded by huge military defences and sandbags. Instead I found a nearby cafe and had these delicious light fluffy curd pancakes with tart berry jam and sour cream. Delicious.

We had planning meetings all afternoon then went for dinner. The rules have just changed and now it is possible to buy alcohol until 6 pm so I had a small craft beer as a treat.

Going to sleep early in anticipation of another disturbed night.

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