The Auld Alliance
Though the rain put paid to the usual carneval parade, the kids still got themselves all togged up for an in-classrooms carneval this afternoon. CarbBoy slept most of the morning, but was able to stagger in for the party, dozed up with all the medicine we could find and with strict instructions not to sneeze too often on the other children (nor on the cookies I spent the morning baking).
So here are the answers to yesterday's quiz which was, admittedly, a little tricky:
1. Marge Simpson (though with no parade there was no dressing up for parents today and so all that tricky sewing of two-way stretch material yesterday was for nothing. I'm also not sure that patch test of yellow face paint will ever come off the end of my nose. Yes, there were more sensible places I could have tested it.)
2. Simone de Beauvoir (I overheard a boy mutter to a pal when I was dropping TallGirl off that she was too beautiful to be Simone de Beauvoir - which I'm sure both would have been happy to punch him for...) Earlier versions of her outfit had her carrying my Mont Blanc fountain pen... (She was persuaded that that was too much responsibility on party day.)
3. 100%. (Mr B would have been be-kilted too.) I would also have accepted 50%, as that is how it turned out.
Freezing cold today. The heaters might have to be trundled out again tonight. I dread to think how my poor tomato seedlings are finding life in the (suddenly appropriately-named) cold frame. Some warmth is due back tomorrow, which is a good job as temperatures dropping 20 degrees in a day and a half is plain confusing.
Having spent hours the other day slug/snail proofing the cold frame, more seedlings were nibbled the other night so I have resorted to beer traps - with a haul so far of one small, but very happy, snail. (Ex-snail.) I haven't even been out today to investigate. Best go and see just how much my courgette plants are sulking under their cloche.
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