Well I did promise garden snaps only!
I’m not sure if it was a good day or a bad one! The hospice nurse came this morning. She was lovely, professional, efficient, and only looked mildly surprised when my language at one point was not befitting my station! And that was B’s fault not hers!
So, in place we have practical things like walking frame, wheelchair coming, stronger pain relief being ordered, a hospital bed when it’s needed, controlled drugs in advance, ready for near the end. She thinks B’s cough is a chest infection (I think she’s right) so she is asking the doctor to make a home visit to check it out. Have to say we are not convinced he’ll show up, but she said we have to have faith! And, B has put an official DNR in place. I know it’s right, especially when she was graphic about what can happen if CPR takes place on a cancer patient, but it’s still tough to hear.
After she’d gone, we were quite relieved that everything was moving and the help is now there, but within an hour it knocked us both flat. B became very grumpy and picky and snappy before finally asking to go to bed for a couple of hours. Me, I just felt low for the rest of the day. It doesn’t help that I’m up at 4:30-5 every morning to help him to the loo and give pain relief. He then goes back to sleep but I can’t seem to, so potter. My usual step count is between 4000-6000 per day but now im doing 10,000. And, im eating rubbish! So, I’ve done another online shop for healthy foods and the pineapple juice she recommended for B to help the dry mouth. I am learning such a lot! My brother arrived in Kent this afternoon and will visit on Wednesday.
Megan is bringing Daniel tomorrow.
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