Who’s gonna ride your wild horses

Today at work someone stuck something In the microwave and I was instantly transported back to school dinners

I have no idea what it was, or whose it was but heavens above. I was seven, wondering what horrors was going to face me.

The potatoes dished up with an ice cream scoop, grey in colour with shiny unidentifiable lumps.

Meat. From what animal was never clear. It was alway grey and always covered in some form of gravy, riddled with onions, which at that stage in my life made me boak.

Some form of veg… which always seemed to be soggy cabbage, even when it was turnip.

But then there was pudding.

Something to make the main course slightly more palatable … gingerbread square with icing … sometimes with custard sometimes not … sometimes the custard was not wanted. It resembled the mashed potatoes :)

So I went outside and looked at the horse chestnuts outside to clear my nosel passages and brighten my head

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