Drawing the tendrils

"I love the way sweet peas create themselves, reaching out, feeling for their next move."

Sue and I took a walk this morning before I went back to my place. She stopped to draw some curling tendrils and from the trail above her, it seemed to me all the white and yellow flowers were pointing her way. The Extra is a shot from beneath a massive wisteria that is over 150 years old. 

Calling the Buffalo mass murder a hate crime, according to Kenyon Farrow on Twitter: “minimizes what is clearly far-right white supremacist violence organized and facilitated by elected officials, courts, police and media, carried out by ppl organized or inspired by armed militia orgs. ‘Hate’ obscures the labor involved.”

It's not an individual emotional reaction, a mental problem, a feeling. It has been fed and fostered, not by extremists but by the mainstream of Republican thinking. Important to acknowledge that. 

It's only May, and already 198 mass shootings. It's a war, and it has been under way for a long time.

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