Living my dream

By Mima


Oh dear. This dog looks sorry for herself doesn’t she? And it’s my fault.

Every third night Bean gets a fresh veg and fruit smoothie with her raw meat. Last night I cut up a tiny feijoa into the dish, not knowing that feijoa skin can be toxic to dogs. (Sana used to eat them happily, with no side effects at all.But now I know not all dogs are so resilient.)

It was the only new thing Bean ate yesterday (to my sure knowledge) and following a night when she woke me up 7 times to rush outside for an emergency download, I decided to look it up.


The lovely vet has reassured me such a small fruit will pass through her gut causing havoc on its way, but very quickly. A diet of rice and poached chicken breast in plenty of water has been prescribed for 24 hours; little and often.

Happily she has perked up enormously and is starving hungry again, so I’m feeling less guilty. She’ll be getting extra love today.

We just don’t know what we don’t know, do we?

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