One Out of Three

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

i worked from home today and am heartily glad I did. The rain never stopped all day. Here you see Jasper looking a bit forlorn about it. 

My day was brightened by a call from El Jefe. It was about work things but as usual he got talking with Caro.

"Can't talk Jeff," said Caro. "I'm a busy woman. Things to do. I'm currently watching, 'Bling Empire'."

"Bling Empire?" repeated Jefe.

"It's like Crazy Rich Asians in LA," she explained. 

"Ohhhhh..." said Jefe.

"Right. Must get back to not being rich," she announced. "Why aren't YOU rich, Symon?"

"I knew that was coming," I said. 

"Or Asian," added Caro.

"He IS crazy though," said Jefe. 

I hate it when they gang up on me like that.


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