
Stephen took me out again this morning and picked up two takeaway coffees en route.
Once again we parked at Bracebridge in Sutton Park, near the pool.
There weren’t many people about, and we sat on a bench by the edge of the water, drinking our coffees.
It was so peaceful.
The reflections were beautiful.
I haven’t taken a test today but will do so tomorrow. (8 days on from being positive).
A Canada geese family were serenely gliding along on the water, their tiny goslings between them.
There is always a pair of Great Crested Grebe here and I could see them in the distance. I watched them do their funny courtship ritual in the spring, waving bits of water weed at each other in their beaks! And bobbing their heads up and down.
A moor hen was flirting about by the reeds at the water’s edge.
A pair of Mallard ducks were also in evidence, having checked us out first to see if we would feed them, (which we declined!)
I took a couple of photos of them as the reflections in the water under the overhanging foliage were so lovely
After coming home for lunch I will be mostly out in the garden this afternoon. I have one or two seed packets still to take into the flower beds, like I do each year.
Poppies and Calendulas, plus Nasturtiums. They are so easy to grow. I let them get on with it!
Now having finished the Joanna Cannon book, which was excellent, I’ve begun “Where the Crawdads Sing”.
I started it once before last year but didn’t get into it then.
Now, after several chapters I cannot think why I never continued!
Stephen declared it amongst one of the best he had read.

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