Friday Foto

By drmackem

Staying up Here

The moor is turning out to be a fine place for Daisy Mae despite the need for frequent baths. Today went for her first run, she's not old enough to go much distance and a little under 2miles off the lead she was game but now fast asleep. This look before getting back home had a slight - don't run off again look.

Further to my running thoughts yesterday and Mark Rowlinson's book he's moved on now to ideas of freedom - certaninly something that resonates with me when I run, not freedom to do anything I want but a feeling of being free. Mind you with the ribs still hurting and the fact the healing takes longer with age and fitness goes quicker I had cause to consider my decay too, so maybe this running is facing death.

Whilst pondering death (good grief!) elsewhere in the world listening to Jessye Norman singing Strauss Four Last Songs whilst preparing meal for guests tonight, not listened to this for ages it is beyond beautiful.

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