Bridge, Brig and Rubbish Bread

One wee coffee was enough to shake off the sleep and crack on with some of the least interesting work ever. And no one in the office had the decency to distract me with anything. Swines.

After work Mandy and I headed out for a wee cycle to Edinburgh so I could pick up the car. Now, I'm not complaining. It was a very pleasant wee dawdle. There was no rush and it was sunny and warm. But I did fear for a bit that some of the rolling down hills was going to take our average speed into double figures. Luckily the little hills up the way kept it to a stately (or ceremonial) 9.4mph.

Lunch at the Cramond Brig and then home to make instructions for Ewan to make his own rubbish bread. It's actually a lovely milk loaf, with honey and butter in it. But we call it rubbish bread just so he doesn't get the idea that it's OK to be eating white bread.

Instructions for ingredients to dough and dough to loaf.

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