Place: St Pete Beach,  FL 71/87 (Casa @ Isla)
Main activity: Tues - everything! elation!
Notes: Possibly the most full day yet! Up early and sat on the porch looking at the big moon reflecting off the pond. Decided I felt up to trying my old run route - body a bit slower and more tired than I thought but felt good. Came back and put on a suit and got in the pool for just a few laps. Put a load of laundry in and watched a couple videos and decided to get the bins ready to ship (Joe can't help now). Headed to Post Office around 930a, and they provided a (very) large wooden cart so I didn't have to carry them at all - and again was less than I expected, joyful people. On the way back, dropped off a bunch of donations at 34th & 26th S, and then stopped at Publix and had an avocado roll made! Did a bit more and then called Al and we arranged to do lunch and I left to pick him up - another Rumba meal outside of grilled grouper! On my way back, I thought I'll be passing so close to TJs, so jumped off at 38th and knocked that off the list too! Got back and went to pool for a bit, had some time to myself there. Shower, ate my avo roll. Tired set in heavier this evening. The whole day again filled with elation and joy and just heightened energy and things going smoothly. 

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