Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Tuesday — Dad & Daughter

Today about 2:00 p.m. our daughter arrived here at our coast home. She had left her place in SoCal about 9:15 this morning, and had stopped twice. She sent us texts all along the way to keep us informed of her progress.

Later in the afternoon, her dad (Mr. Fun) and her hiked the upslope of our backyard to take a look over the house, over all the electrical poles and wires, over all the tree tops to see the view: the horizon, the Pacific Ocean that the front of our house faces. For the past year we have been talking with contractors, landscapers, and currently a welder (he builds ramps) about developing our land so that we have a gradual rising path that ends at the high point of the backyard where a platform/deck could be constructed. We do not want stairs.

Having the backyard landscaped with something that looks a bit more managed and manicured, rather than the hodgepodge mess that it is currently, is also our desire.

But for the moment, we’re going to enjoy the next few days with our daughter. She is currently off work on medical disability; so we are going to keep her as long as she stays, and we’re not sure how long that will be, but most likely about 3 nights.

From California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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