Time for another RANT!!! - Edinburgh Roads!!!

This morning I went for a lovely long walk in the sunshine. Five and a half miles to be precise. I played in 'Braidburn Valley Park' and then I played in Fairmilehead Park' and then I played in 'Buckstone Park' and then I walked along the 'secret path', through the woods. The secret path isn't actually that secret any more because I'm sure we've told all you lovely Blippers where it is. It's in-between the Merchants Golf Course and the Buckstone Estate. OMG! You wouldn't believe how many squirrels I've had to chase today and I didn't catch a single one. Boohooo................

This afternoon Ann had an appointment at 1.15pm, so I had to stay home alone, but when she came home she said, 'Trixie, I want to go to Primark because she's a classy type of gal?! and TKMax so we will go to 'Fort Kinnard' (it's an Edinburgh out of town shopping centre for those of you who don't know) and then I will take you to Portobello Beach.

…...............And here starteth the RANT!!!....................

Edinburgh roads. Grrrrrrrrrrr..................... It's like the whole of the road network is being dug up. TBH my human doesn't really use her car a great deal in Edinburgh. She goes to the supermarket about once a week and that's it. In fact, if she wasn't whizzing up and down to Cornwall every few months, she probably wouldn't even bother with a car. Edinburgh Council seem to think that the only vehicle that should be on the roads are bikes. And just don't get my human started on her opinion of cyclists??!! Anyway in 'normal' times, a journey to Fort Kinnard should take about 20 mins. Today, due to roadworks, after 20 mins we weren't anywhere near Fort Kinnard so Ann said, 'Trixie, I'm going to abandon going to Fort Kinnard and Portobello Beach. I'm going to pop into Lidl and then I'll take you for a play in Figgate Park instead.' I was very happy about that.  I LOVE Figgate Park. There's a burn for me to splish, splash, splosh in and there's squirrels that need chasing so I was well happy.

…...............Famous last words....................

There were literally 3 lots of roadworks between Lidl and 'Figgy Park'. It took us forever to get there and then when we did................... there was no where to park because the roads around the park have been covered in these stupid, stupid, cycling lane posts, which means that cyclists have their own little lane. We didn't see one single cyclist cycling where we normally park. Just saying!!!

So then Ann said, 'Trixie, we will go for a walk in Holyrood Park. We'll be there in 5 mins.' Except we weren't there in 5 mins. We were there in about half an hour because we yet again got held up with roadworks. And when we got to Holyrood Park there was no where to park anyway. By this time I'd been in the car for about an hour and a half.

Eventually Ann decided she'd take me up Blackford Hill for some run about time. So that is what we did............ After having to negotiate two more lots of roadworks.


….......And here endeth this RANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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