
The blue tits started hatching 16 days ago, the parents are holding up well with the mammoth feeding and cleaning tasks. The chicks start fledging at about three weeks, so not long now. I've added an extra of the chicks in the nest, they look more like proper birds now! They are cute how they sleep with their heads on each other, but they are extremely fidgety at the moment, and as you can imagine, when one fidgets in a confined space with 9 others, they all end up fidgeting. 

I did more phone research today, I've narrowed it down, my dilemma is between a smaller iPhone or a larger one with a substantially better camera and battery (and price tag). I also researched camera insurance and as an option for getting it is as a packaged current account, I researched those too (I want to move my bank account anyway). Just when I thought I'd found the right one, I realised they withdrew their packaged account for new customers from April! Doh!

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