PhD fieldwork in action

I went back to work, and afterwards met up with some friends for a meal and a catch-up. This is A, who is doing a really fascinating PhD in history, about Scottish Victorian women, education and social mobility. As we walked past this building she stopped and read the plaque, which turned out to be marking the spot of (if I remember correctly) a Victorian women's library. She'd spent the day at the archives in Edinburgh; I don't know if this discovery means more interesting tangents to follow up (PhDs tend to be like that, I've found!).

I always love hearing about other people's PhDs, even when they're not in my own (slightly odd) field. It's kind of difficult to explain, I think there's just something about getting so caught up in a subject that you know inside out, that it's kind of infectious. It also leads to bizarre conversations (especially at parties) - most PhD subjects are kind of conversation-stoppers, but other PhDs are likely to be genuinely fascinated! (An example of a typical party conversation: J (who I'd just met for the first time): "My PhD was on syphilis." Me: "Oh COOL!")

Apologies for the rubbish photo - my phone really didn't like the fading light!

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