Commonwealth War Graves - Day 2

Second day, today was spent on the three new cemeteries that I have volunteered for; Feock, Gerrans and St Just-In-Roseland, the latter two both on the Roseland. Sam again came with me so we headed off over the King Harry Ferry heading for Gerrans.
This was my first visit to these three cemeteries so each visit would be longer than the norm as we located the memorials, gave them each a “What Three Words” locater and photographed the headstone. We are also looking to for information with which to compile a report for those who come after or for the enhanced maintenance team to visit. Things like is there a water supply, if so where, can you park, general condition of the cemetery and is the church open.
Gerran churchyard is immaculate, short grass, weeded and the headstones clean.

Next up St Just-In-Roseland, a different kettle of fish, the church, (main picture), sits in a steep sided ‘bowl’ which makes locating and getting to the individual graves challenging. Before we started Sam treated me a delicious Ploughman’s Lunch in Miss V’s Tea Room. Following that and two coffees I set off into the cemetery. I located them and then found myself wondering how much ‘stick’ William Shakespeare received with that name when serving in the RN. Slippery in the rain with mud caked shoes I was thoroughly drenched by the time I made my way back to the car.

We then headed back over the ferry to Feock, it didn’t take long to locate the memorials, all four can be seen from the gate but getting to the one at the top of the slope was difficult, so much so that I slipped an fell on the way back down - painful.

Home for dinner with Mrs S and then with a very painful chest I set off for the Athenaeum Club to keep friend Hew company as he was inducted for his membership.

Main; St Just-In-Roseland Church
Additional; Commonwealth War Grave Headstone, A Private Memorial and William Shakespeare

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