
By Beewriter

Boat Trip

A boat trip to Bacardi Bay today. Kath and Andy, Sue’s friends, had booked on too. It was a fab day.

We have sailed with Lydia and Simi before but now they have their own boat. Her parents were over here and on the trip too. It turns out that her mum, Jane, donates blood in Stockport. One of us had probably stabbed her at some point. It’s a small world.

We swam in the clearest water. We had lovely food. We had cracking big waves as we returned across the bay. We swam over thermal spots in the river. It was great day.

When we travel down the river we pass huge reed beds. A fact I learnt today was that the African Queen was filmed here. When Humphrey pulls that boat through weeds he was actually in Turkey. I love a fact like that….especially about a film that I love.

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