A "Pointless" Existence ...

... is what Mrs F & I have been living the past two days in Elstree, waiting for our son, Chris ( pictured pointing at a Pointless direction - I wasn't allowed to take the camera into the studio itself, unfortunately), and his Pointless friend, Ryan to make their appearances in the BBC quiz show, Pointless, the show where the aim is to score as few points as possible by coming up with obscure answers that other people can't think of (to paraphrase the host, Alexander Armstrong)

As yesterday's back blip explains we waited all day yesterday before he got on the final show to be recorded at 6.30 pm and, as they got knocked out in the first round, we all had to come back today for their 2nd chance on the next show. Suffice it to say, they ended up far from pointless but they had a great time and the show, which took about 2 hours to record for what will eventually be 45 minute programme , and the whole experience were great fun to be in and to watch. .

Alex Armstrong and Richard Osman are a great double act, very professional and very kind and friendly towards the contestants before, during and after recording. Definitely worth the long hours of waiting. mooching around the aptly named Borehamwood (apologies to any Borehamwood blippers!) and drinking too much coffee!

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