Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle

Mother's Day Blip

Dear Mother,

Helen and her beau Dan and I went to your grave today after Cherry Bou's memorial service this morning. Her son Chris had also just died so they had a funeral for him as well.

So much has happened since you've been gone I can't even begin to tell.

Helen has three children. One is named after you and she is now expecting her first child. Helen's second daughter has a little girl named after Jocey. Helen also has a teenage son who likes to play baseball.

I have had four children with a girl I met at University of Maryland thirty four years ago. They are all healthy and bright and they all look a bit like you. The youngest was accidentally named after Nana's father William, the others all have their own identity.

Andrew is retired from the Air Force and he lives in Alaska with his lovely wife and daughter.

Bob died this past Fall walking his dogs on the towpath. His wife Lil lives in the house you built and takes good care of the memories there.

Nana has been gone ten years. Losing you was so very hard on her. She is buried on the hill with you and Granddad and your grandmother and grandfather.

It was lovely today. Helen and I lay on the grass on top of Nana and enjoyed the sun and the breeze. I missed you for the first time in a long time and so wished you were here to share all this.

Your Son,


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