Sal, Soul Sister.

By sally

Our Christmas party for work was a bit less classy than the last (VR jumping on the cutbacks wagon, even though they aren't losing that much). Good thing one of our co-workers owns this bar. Sid rescued the season!

Anyway, I figured I'd use this post to do a little bit of venting. This will probably be the last photo you'll ever see of this guy/child/jerk. I posted a shot of him when we first got together, so you may as well see the last night, too. Been biting my tongue in the real world, but I'll let it be known here that he essentially dumped me in a text message. Flowery quotes like 'F--- YOU!' and 'don't ever talk to me again.' Make it easy to move on quickly. You weren't worth my breath, buddy. Now get out of my life.

Also, one of our co-workers got arrested for stealing someone's wallet at the party. Lame! Thankfully he was promptly fired.

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