
By PaulaJ

Seals, Sand and a Stone

A glorious day today - at last! Blue skies, warm sunshine . . . and dry. A light wind, so perfect for walking. As it was our last day here, it was difficult to choose which walk to do, but in the end we decided to try a walk around the coast of Berneray, a walk we did many years ago and still remember. Oh that we had remembered which way to go!

Berneray is an island between North Uist and Harris. Three miles by two, it is very small, but has the most wonderful coastline of sandy beaches, as well as a few hills. The walk was really to follow the coast round, apart from one bit where we climbed a hill and had the most wonderful views. From the hill, we descended to the most beautiful beach you can imagine. Three miles of golden sand dunes, white, shimmering sand, turquoise sea, white waves of the Atlantic crashing to the shore . . . and no one else in sight.

It was wonderful just walking along the beach for around two miles, but unfortunately we missed the turn off through the dunes and walked on, before we realised we had gone too far. It was then a matter of climbing up through the dunes and making our way back through the machair. We think the expected seven miles, was probably more like nine.

Anyway, I could have posted another beautiful white beach or another wonderful seascape. Instead, here are a few Common Seals lazing about on the rocks in a sparkling sea. Amazing how they blend in with the rocks and the seaweed.

Oh and I can also let you into a secret. When Berneray was linked to North Uist by a causeway in 1998, one of the main concerns was that the secrets of forecasting the weather, known only to the local island people, but renowned throughout the world, would become common knowledge. As a special concession I can show you one very special stone, the only one of its kind - The Forecasting Stone!

Tomorrow we have another boat to catch. We leave North Uist, but we are not going home just yet.

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