
And he did. Again and again.
It was fun watching all this on our morning stagger with The Boss, Bossess and ME around the Bays to the Greta Point Cafe and back through the road tunnel home.
The Mt Victoria road tunnel has a reputation which I think is fun but apparently drives some others mad. 
As you are driving through you toot your horn...
"Toot titter Toot TOOT" ........and someone will toot back ..."Toot Toot".
It is of course a lot worse at weekends and at one timer drove a member of the City Council to want to ban horns in the tunnel.
He quickly learnt that he was surrounded by folk that liked fun and the habit stayed well and truly.....TOOT TOOT!!!!!!
It can take about 15 minutes to walk through and can get quite noisy.....

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