Mancoco and the canal
During the time that Izzy was living in Manchester, we used to meet for a coffee and a walk every Thursday morning. We'd always get our coffees and maybe a bit of flapjack from Mancoco on Hewitt Street. At the time, Covid restrictions meant that we weren't allowed to sit in and we always said we would when we were able to.
Izzy's currently visiting - she works in Sierra Leone - and today is the last time I'll see her until September, so we decided today was the day for visiting Mancoco (see Extra). So, at last, we sat in and had a coffee and flapjack, and then Izzy bought us takeaways and we went for a walk along the canal.
It was a beautiful morning for a walk and it was, of course, tinged with a bit of nostalgia, plus, despite the fact I was with her, I was already missing her. I gave her a big old squeeze when we said "au revoir" and I said a small secular prayer of thanks for FaceTime.
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