
The MiL phoned in a panic this morning as there was no food in the house. BiL usually does the shopping for her but something must have gone wrong as this is the second time recently that she's not had any delivered.  Anyway, Himself went over to do an emergency shop and spend some time with her which solved the immediate problem.

While he was out I cut the hedge, raked the moss out of the front grass (with a machine, I'm not that keen), sowed some grass seed, watered it all and thinned out some of the Michaelmas Daisy's that were attempting to take over. The window cleaner was laughing as me, my neighbour and his neighbour were all out doing similar things. 

I also gave the cats their flea treatment, much to their disgust. I checked, nowhere on the packet did it say 'these drops will kill you' yet they both acted like I was about to commit feline murder.  

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