
By lastlight

Proper one of the Shard this evening.

Couldn't get to sleep last night - think it's this book I'm reading. Lots of stuff to think about (what's the purpose of the universe, is there a universal awareness, can you really just make stuff happen and would you want to, etc etc) bit of a series of thought experiments wrapped up in fiction. But surreal considering all the bad stuff in the news headlines.
Anyway, a coffee saw me through the morning.

Spent some time taking pictures of the squirrel in the garden this evening - he was running around retrieving nuts he'd buried all over the place - little does he know there's 25kg of them sitting in the hall!

Finished the book tonight - I enjoyed it, she's a very different author. Not as good as The End of Mr Y, but very thought provoking and enjoyable.

Glad it's the weekend, now what to read next...?

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