
Long day in hot sin.
Pascale came and helped me change detendeur on gas and yay! Ee got water heater and oven working.

Then cleared out some of shed and discovered an- just what I need at house. ,Stashed it in car with metal table and two folding chairs. She also got out sack of compost for me to plant some new things although no idea where to buy them here.

Later went the nearest Intermarché at 10kms.

Sun very strong so managed leave car in shade but still hard for Gyp. Got nrarly everything, but will need go out tomorrow morning to buy another gas refill as a spare.

Tonight can do nothing, as so exhausted so took photo out of window. Reflections of police tv drama I vaguely watched. Sunsetting beyond and living room forefront.

Finding phone keyboard difficult - lots of mistakes! Sorry. Only way to take pictures and upload here

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