In the garden, yet another quick snap.
Up at 6 this morning, and it was full on. I had to get the meds down B, make breakfast, do his stats, shower, dress, feed dog, all before 8am as the carers can come from then until I’m not sure when! I also had a food shop delivery at 9 and some equipment being delivered between 8-10.
It was all done, washing in and B washed, bed changed etc before the boys arrived at 11ish. B wanted to talk to them about funeral wishes, the DNR, practicalities and to make our wishes known re the will that hasn’t been amended in time. It wasn’t the most fun time we’ve all had! I think the boys were a bit shell shocked that we could be so practical, but having been involved in clearing up after both our own sets of parents, he wanted to cross some t’s and dot some i’s. Also quite shocking for them to see the deterioration regarding personal care etc and there were tears! James and Liam are going to sell his car, he has a real thing about selling it so that I have enough money to give him a good send off!
I hope that when they come again we can all be a bit more uplifted, I want to remember happy times when we are together.
Stalker - thank you for my card, my one befriender LOL!
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