Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Thursday — Adding Up Blips

This blip is my number 4900. On one hand that is no big deal and on the other hand it is. Mostly I just wanted to record this trail-marker for myself. Even though I’ve already blipped a photo of dad and daughter this week, I am going to do it again.

This morning the two of them went out to take care of some errands. I told them to take some photos, so this is one they sent to me in a text of the two of them with Morro Rock behind them.

They arrived home later with groceries to fix dinner the next several evenings and a big bouquet of flowers for me. Wow!

Later in the afternoon we had an appointment for Mitzi and Chloe to go to the veterinarian office to get their toenails trimmed and for Chloe to get her monthly Cytopoint injection.

We also stopped at the farmers market that was happening at the parking lot of Spencer’s Market. I had at least a half dozen egg cartons that I wanted to give to the vendor who sells eggs (I really don’t like throwing egg cartons out). We also purchased a bunch of fresh spinach and a 3-pack of strawberries. So later with our dinner we enjoyed a salad of spinach leaves, strawberries, and feta cheese, with raspberry vinaigrette. The main course was a beef, lentil, vegetable mixture that we didn’t know whether to call a stew, casserole, or soup. So we decided to just call it delicious.

We are enjoying reuniting with our daughter after almost 5 years of silence.

From California’s Central Coast
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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