Inspired by my antipodean blipper friends - an African Daisy, reluctantly staying bloom on a cold, dull day.
And what did I do? Well no Coffee Club: K is still in Italy, Y is in England. I slept badly with about 3 hours awake in the middle of the night reading my book and wishing #2 son 'happy birthday'. Up, I tidied and ironed. I was going to do some gardening but it cold and dull and I couldn't summon the energy. Instead I rewrote a minute and completed an appraisal and spoke to the KL family. Hiking up Mont Kiara on a Sunday morning has become a 'thing'. The walking poles will be needed.
Outside it was almost sunny but a bit showery too. In France Mum was in the pool (31 deg water temp, 32 deg air.). In Mallorca Y was quaffing fizz on the beach. Here my right shoulder tendonitis is so painful. RSI, I think.
I barely moved form the front room today and the bins are still uncollected but the rice cooker survived its dip!
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