The Boys

Today has been an odd one - starting early with Sole for coffee before her work started at 9. An emotional time as our friends and her neighbour have been evicted today - the police and co were there at 7am. A horrible horrible situation.
Later I was with one of the Long Term girls - each volunteer has someone to meet up with regularly and check in with, and I'm her person. So we had coffee and talked through some bits and bobs. Then later a call from the agent to say the property we want might be available to us again. The landlady keeps changing her mind as to whether or not she wants our type of work in her property. She rang me this evening asking if she could come to our centre in San An to see what we do and how we do it. That'll be Friday morning. 
Then lots going on for Mitch too, bless him...

Good bits today included getting nails painted for my girls couple of days with Amanda and Juliette tomorrow!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A cup of tea with Stephen on his birthday (here waiting for Danny to go into the prison).
2) Our SOS prayer WhatsApp group.
3) The potential for this particular centre being available to us again.

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